Llangarron Parish Neighbourhood Plan
Minutes of Open Meeting of Llangarron Parish Council held on 4 May
An Open Meeting of Llangarron Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group was held on Thursday, 4th May, 2017 at Llangrove Academy at 8.00 p.m., with Miss S. Cooper in the Chair, assisted by Julie Joseph Chair of the Steering Group and Elissa Swinglehurst, Llangarron Ward Councillor.
There were approximately 70 local residents present.
The Chair opened the meeting in welcoming all present and explained that the Parish Council and the Steering Group wished to share the feedback received during Regulation 14. She advised that Julie Joseph would explain the whole process of the Neighbourhood Plan, with support from Elissa Swinglehurst and there would then follow a Q & A session. The meeting were also introduced to the Parish Councillors present (Bailey, Bainbridge, Cooper, Fisher, Hitchen, Jones, Joseph, Morehead, Wright – apologies from Thomas and Turner) and the Steering Group (Julie Joseph, Bridget Bainbridge from Llangarron, Jenny Bailey, David Chivers, Barbara Fisher, Mike Jones from Llangrove and Neil Wheeler from Llancloudy).
Julie reported as follows:
Localism Act introduced Neighbourhood Plans in order that local residents could have more influence over planning in their own area.
She identified NPFF and Hfds. Core Strategy and how they both worked and that every planning decision had to be judged against both.
The Core Strategy was in place and had identified that Llangarron Parish had to take 14% share of the overall numbers of houses needed i.e. minimum of 64 houses. Of this figure 13 had already been granted permission. She explained that within Core Strategy Llangrove identified as fig. 1 village (villages which are considered to take a higher proportion of development as they have a higher level of services) and Llangarron, Llancloudy and Three Ashes as fig. 2 (villages which will take a proportionate housing growth dependent on scale and character of those settlements).
The number of houses to be allocated and the fig. 1 and fig. 2 status were part of Hfds. Core Strategy and were set in stone. She explained therefore Llangrove would have the higher proportion, but some smaller numbers would be allocated to the other three Villages.
During the Reg. 14 consultation, Hfds. Council had come back with comment that they considered more could be allocated to Three Ashes and Llancloudy.
She suggested that if the N/H plan identified more than 64 the External Examiner would pass the plan and there would be no more developers looking to come in. Without a plan, it would be difficult to stop developers.
With a N/H plan in place, we would have control – you can request for road widening, particular types of houses, affordable housing, traffic calming, etc.
The N/H plan when in place would carry weight and would sit alongside NPFF and Core Strategy.
She explained CIL Community Infrastructure Levy – although on the back burner at the moment there were plans to introduce the levy to all new builds. With a N/H plan in place the Parish would receive a share.
The Llangrove to Whitchurch road was highlighted in responses as major concern – Julie explained a developer could be requested to pay for passing bays, traffic calming.
She talked about the field opposite the Royal Arms which had been put forward as a site – she suggested developer could be asked to provide green space and parking for the public.
She explained that a lot of sites were put forward in Llangrove but the Steering Group had identified the two larger sites as being most suitable. The smaller sites were out of the village and had access issues.
She explained that it was all about striking a balance.
The regulation14 consultation had brought in many positive comments together with good comments from the statutory consultees.
Next stage to review the comments and amend plan.
She suggested residents put forward their housing options – how many / which sites.
Elissa Swinglehurst offered her support in reinforcing that Core Strategy stipulated that Hfds. had to identify 16,500 houses prior to 2031, with 5,300 going to market towns and settlements looked at next and she confirmed that Llangarron Parish had to take a minimum of 64. She explained sustainability and the breakdown of fig. 1 and fig. 2.
With a N/H plan in place an application will be judged against the NPFF, Core Strategy and the Plan – without a Plan the Parish will have no voice.
The Local Authority would have to respect the Plan.
Questions that arose during the evening and answers were as follows:
Will the N/H plan carry weight – Yes.
The Close Development and the mistrust that resulted from this – explained that the Parish Council nor Hfds. Council supported the three storey houses – the decision had been made by Planning Inspectorate following appeal.
Why can’t Llancloudy and Three Ashes take more – sites were not put forward.
The state of the U71224 Llangrove to Whitchurch road – the PC have continually reported pot holes. The PC have been advised there is no money for resurfacing. Residents encouraged to visit Hfds. Council Web Site to report pot holes. The more complaints received – possibly more action taken.
The sewerage system and its capability to cope – the PC had a letter on file dated 2016 from Welsh Water that capacity was there and they would not allow more properties to connect if they were not satisfied the system was adequate.
Broadband and the poor service some residents received.
Whether BT can help extend coverage.
Affordable Housing.
Lack of public transport.
Could developments be done in stages to ease congestion in the village?
Orders could be put in place to control building sites to avoid previous problems experienced.
Rural Business development and barn conversions – included in the plan.
The language used in the N/H plan – can it be written in an easier language – Hfds. Council advise against this as it is a formal document.
Hedge removal – encourage transplanting.
Concern that the pub would close if planning was granted in field opposite.
Why not more houses on the Baytree site and not on field opposite the pub.
Julie concluded that all comments would be considered and the N/H plan amended. It was hoped amendments ready within two months, ready for voting and formal sign off. She explained nothing is perfect, but a N/H plan is the best option.
A vote of thanks was extended to the Parish Council and the Steering Group who were all volunteers and the Parish were lucky to have secured the services of Julie Joseph a Planning Consultant to assist.
There being no further business, the Meeting was closed by the Chairman at 9.50 p.m
Llangarron Parish Council has a web site – all Agendas, Minutes, Planning Applications and Councillor contacts on the site. Also all minutes of the meetings held by the Steering Group together
with the N/H plan.